Publications & Presentations
Martin Vojtek

Keywords: snow climatology, climate trends in mountainous regions, increase in mixed forms of precipitation, denser snowpack, homogenization, data quality control, numerical (computer-assisted) snow avalanche forecasting in Slovakia, avalanche danger level, stepwise regression, nearest neighbour method, elaborate variables, historical avalanche records, avalanche accidents statistics, the High Tatra Mountains, Carpathians

You can view/download the following papers:

Vojtek M. (2002): Meteorological conditions and avalanche formation in the High Tatras. Meteorological Journal 5/4, p.9-14, SHMÚ Bratislava.

Vojtek M., Faško P., Šťastný P. (2003): Some selected snow climate trends in Slovakia with respect to altitude. Acta Meteorologica Universitatis Comenianae, Vol.32, p.17-28.

Vojtek M. (2005): Climate Trends from Homogenized Snow and Precipitation Data in the Tatra Mountains. European Geosciences Union 2005, General Assembly, Vienna. (EGU05-A-03612). Abstract, POSTER.

Vojtek M. (2005): Statistical results from historical avalanche records (The High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia). Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, 35/3, p.255-263.

Vojtek M. (2010): The dynamics of snow cover in mountainous regions of Slovakia. PhD Thesis/Dissertation submitted on 30th April 2010. Division of Meteorology and Climatology, Comenius University, Bratislava.
Revised reader-friendly edition, October 2010 - with minor post-defending revisions.

Voigt T., Marty C., Dobesberger P., Fromm R., Solheim A., Vojtek M., Rhyner J., Kronholm K. (2010): Secondary impacts of climate change on the cryosphere: Avalanches.
In: Voigt T. et al. (eds), Impacts of climate change on snow, ice, and permafrost in Europe: Observed trends, future projections, and socio-economic relevance, ETC/ACC Technical Paper 2010/13, p 89-94.
European Topic Center on Air and Climate Change.

Vojtek M. (2012): LABINIX - a tool for regional avalanche danger assessment from meteorlogical data based on regression. Conference proceedings from Advances in Avalanche forecasting , Podbanské, Slovakia, 22nd October.


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